In the “Ephemeritude” series, created during overflights of the Magdalen Islands ice floe, I seek to capture the fragile balance between the ice’s apparent solidity and its constant transformation under the influence of natural forces. From above, I can see this vast icy expanse that appears motionless, but is in fact in perpetual motion, sculpted by wind, tide and temperature.
My images, imbued with an almost painterly abstraction, reveal natural motifs that I seek to sublimate. Light, changing and ephemeral, sculpts the relief of the ice floe, creating a play of shadows and textures that recall the fragility of this environment. These aerial views reveal the similarities between the infinitely large scale of these icy landscapes and the more microscopic forms found in nature.
By flying over the pack ice, I strive to capture a moment in this slow, relentless cycle of transformation, where the ice is both majestic and vulnerable. “Ephemeritude” is thus a visual meditation on temporality, the fragility of Arctic ecosystems, and the ephemeral beauty of these icy expanses, which are also constantly changing.